Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Too bad...

Looks like I'm SOL come the Zombie Apocalypse. I guess I'll just hang out with people with a 35% or less chance of survival and hope for the best.


OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Friday, April 27, 2007

Wasting Time

Inspired by Simon, I have come up with the secret meanings to my name:

Juggernaut Optimized for Online Peacekeeping, Immediate Troubleshooting and Efficient Repair

Get Your Cyborg Name

Jealous One Obligingly Providing Intense Touches and Erotic Recreation

Get Your Sexy Name

Jealous, Orphan-Obliterating, Person-Injuring Terror from the Enchanted Ruin

Get Your Monster Name

Orphan-obliterating. Heh.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Get off their lawn!!!

Okay, I get it. Horrible tragedy occurs, media descends. But come on now... is it really necessary to invade AMISH COUNTRY? There is absolutely nothing happening at that school now. Report from the fucking studio people. There is no need to set up floodlights in a community that does not use electricity. Leave them the hell alone.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Men in Blue

Much of the time, my job is kinda boring. I like my work, I have a great boss (who may or may not be reading this... Hi Moose). For the most part, I avoid the people who piss me off because carnage in the office is generally frowned upon, if not secretly wished for. But the glamorous world of magazine publishing that you see in movies and on television? Doesn't exist, at least not on the regional level. Trust me, the thrill of seeing your name in the masthead wears off after a while.

But every once in a while, something cool happens because of where I work. Something really cool. Like "hang out with Blue Man Group" cool.

I'll take a moment while you gasp in jealous awe.

Yes, faithful readers, an invitation was bestowed upon us lowly workers at Unnamed Regional Magazine to attend a press dinner for Blue Man Group, followed by a performance of their new show "How to Be a Megastar" and a private after-party with the Blue Men and their band. Fortunately, the invitation was offered to one of the more generous members of the editorial department, who promptly offered it out to the long-suffering assistant art director (known on the Rayality blog as Mrs.Reynard) who, in turn, extended the invitation to me and our long-suffering editorial assistant. I said yes, of course, and on Wednesday we headed off to Ridiculously Large Indian Casino. Mrs. Reynard had called in advance to say we would most likely be at least a half an hour late for the dinner as we had a long way to travel and could not leave that early. At the time, we were expecting the dinner to be chock-full of other members of the press - more of a cocktail and hors d'ouevres type of thing. Imagine our surprise when the grand total at dinner including ourselves was eight - three surprised and sheepishly late Unnamed Regional Magazine employees, two very friendly employees of Ridiculously Large Indian Casino, one editor/reviewer from Unnamed Hollywood Trade Magazine, one publicist for Blue Man Group, and one Blue Man sans blue makeup. Fortunately, the other members of our dinner party had only just ordered drinks so we hadn't kept them waiting long. Dinner was fantastic and the conversation lively. It was great fun listening to our guest Blue Man talk about life with the men in blue, the audition process, and the history of the group.

After feasting on a staggering spread from one of the better restaurants in the RLIC, we all headed off to the arena. Our seats were great - just a few rows off the floor with a perfect view of the stage. The show opened with Tracy Bonham of "Mother, Mother" fame ("I'm hungry...I'm dirty...I'm losing my mind....EVERYTHING'S FINE") who not only did that song and a few others I haven't heard, but also busted out a guitar and violin version of Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love." A little while later, Blue Man Group took the stage, after a funny video intro from Fred Armisen (of SNL fame). The framework of the show was that the BMG had ordered a self-help video called "How to Be a Megastar," which gave them pointers like how to execute common rock movements like the "head bob" and the "one-armed fist pump" and creating unique over-priced rock souveneirs to scam their audience out of money. The latter one was achieved by one Blue Man throwing what looked like paint-filled gum balls and marshmallows at another Blue Man, who proceeded to spit the paint and marshmallows on a canvas. Voila! Rock souveneir. I've never been to a BMG show before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. They are definitely extraordinarily talented actors and musicians- the show was both funny and moving. I was duly impressed and had a great time.

When the show was over, we slipped on our Private After Party press passes and headed on over to the cocktail party. As we approached, we saw a couple of people arguing with employees at the door of the bar. Apparently they were not too pleased to be denied entrance because of the private party going on. The employees waved us through like the VIPS we're not, and we found ourselves in the middle of a very swank martini bar. The friendly RLIC employees spotted us and gave us each a cd of the show's music. Score! I totally was going to buy that off iTunes, but now I can spend my money on Battlestar Galactica episodes (Begins Friday 10/6 at 9pm on SciFi - WATCH IT!) We ordered some drinks, and took a seat. A few minutes later, there was a bit of a commotion on the other side of the bar. The Blue Man Group had arrived, in costume, and made their way over to an open space which happened to be in front of our table. They posed for pictures, remaining in character the whole time. Friendly BMG publicist asked us if we wanted to take a picture with them and we agreed. So somewhere there is a photo of us with the Blue Man Group, but I haven't seen it yet. I'm a little concerned, considering that none of us could see what they were doing behind us but whatever it was prompted other people to take pictures as well. It remains to be seen whether that picture is going to see the light of day.

At some point, our little group headed upstairs in the bar, mainly because I wanted to check out the view of the casino floor from that vantage point. When we came back down, we realized it was way past time for us to get on the road so we made our way to the door and said our goodbyes. As we passed the BMG publicist, she stopped us and asked whether Unnamed Regional Magazine would like for their office walls a Blue Man Group original. And with that she presented us with the still wet spit painting from the show, complete with chewed up "marshmallow" in the middle. Mrs. Reynard immediately said yes, and after threatening her with bodily harm if she got paint in my car, we headed on home.

So there it is. For one night, I got to act like a VIP and do the things many people might think I do because I work at a magazine. The painting, by the way, is in Mrs. Reynard's office. Even with the chewed up marshmallow, it's better than most of the stuff hanging in our office. And that includes the covers of our magazine.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Here she is... Mrs. America! (Why is she wearing an igloo?)

Tonight, we have the unexpected pleasure of having Elena and the Wonder Elf visiting us here at Stately Sark Manor. You would think, since Simon and I don't see them that often, we would do something fun and exciting. You would think, at least, that we would leave the apartment. You would be wrong. Because why on earth would we go out when the greatest entertainment this side of motherf-ing snakes on motherf-ing planes is on televsion right this very minute.

Because tonight, ladies and gentleman, we have a Brand. New. Mrs. America! (I'll wait while you finish cheering.)

Anyone reading this would assume I've lost my mind. Actually, anyone reading this would assume I lost my mind somewhere around when I was waxing poetic about "Trapped in the Closet," but I digress. This is not your average beauty pageant. Hell, it's not even masquerading as a scholarship program. This is beauty pageant-ness boiled down to its very essence. It is proudly nothing more than Trophy Wives on Parade. And for the first five minutes, the trophy wives parade dressed like crabs and crucified sunflowers.

You read that right. There is an added element to the Mrs. America Pageant - the state costume contest. (This might actually be a part of Miss America as well, but I don't think it reaches this level of absurdity.) The contestants must make a costume that they feel represents their state. Many cop out and choose the state flower, with varying results (like the aforementioned crucified sunflower.) This year there were at least two fall foliage costumes, which we were hoping would lead to a fall foliage catfight, but no dice. Several contestants went the patriotic route, with most turning in costumes that looked like poor Wonder Woman imitations. And then there are those that go above and beyone. Mrs. Alaska showed up wearing an igloo, which she somehow thought would eliminate stereotypes of people from Alaska. Mrs. Hawaii, who could have dressed like a surfer or a Hawaiian goddess, opted to dress like a big red fish. Mrs. West Virginia chose to honor the hard work of those who toil in one of the most dangerous professions in the world by dressing as a sequined coal miner. How noble. From Elvis to Snow White, Seahawks to firebirds, monarch butterflies to...monarch butterflies, the contestants showed their skills with a needle and a glue gun as well as their tenouos grasp of their own state's history. In short, quality entertainment.

And if you're thinking that we've wasted two hours of our lives on mindless fluff, you're absolutely right. But we did learn one very important thing from host John O'Hurley's very own (and very pregnant) trophy wife, Lisa. Asked how she felt about being pregnant with her first child, she gave us this pearl of wisdom: "Pregnancy is a very important part of being a mother."

Thanks for clearing that up, Lisa. And now, if you excuse me, I have to go help Elena with her costume for next year's pageant. I think she's decided on an EZ-Pass.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Thing I've learned today...

.... Episode 3 is INFINITELY better in Spanish than in English. Besides replacing the whiny, petulent voice of Hayden Christiansen with someone who has at least a little gravitas, the god-awful dialogue sounds so much better en español. probably because my skills in Spanish only go as far as my first year textbook. (Camarero! Camarero! Dos Coca-Colas, por favor!)

But, seriously, what sounds better to you?

Option 1: Where is Padme? Is she all right?...... Noooooooooo!
Option 2: Dondé estå Padme? Estå...bien?..... NOOOOOOOOO!

Simon had a brilliant suggestion about General Grievous (who is the second stupidest character in the prequels behind fucking Jar Jar). In Simon's opinion, Grievous really should have been voiced by Horatio Sanz doing his mariachi impression. Sadly, that would have totally worked.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Greatest Story Ever Told...

Yeah, I've been a little lax in posting here, because.... well, just because. It's my damn blog, I'll post when I want to. But since the master of rayality has given confirmation that the greatest movie of the year will be released on August 18, I thought I'd help stoke the fires of anticipation...

Snakes, baby. Snakes on a motherfuckin' plane.